8 Having a rich history of 800 years, including castle ghosts, legends, and witchcraft, Fyvie Castle houses the most eccentric stories to deliver to ghost hunting enthusiasts. Fyvie Castle Ghost is famous in the country, such that visitors have been both shocked and mesmerized by the many tales relayed in the many accounts of the staff presently residing in the castle. The castle was built in the 13th Century as a stronghold for Scottish Kings to stay when on tours and has been owned by five powerful families Preston, Meldrum, Seton, Gordon, and Leith. Presently owned by National Trust for Scotland, it is reputed for its cloister of peculiar activities falling under the radar of the paranormal with its many stories of not one but many ghosts who still haunt the castle. Dive into the stories of horror and trepidation, which would certainly arouse your curiosity to visit the castle to be in the presence of the infamous Fyvie Castle Ghost. Fyvie Castle Ghost Stories There have been many stories involving the castle ghost, Lilias Drummond, wife of Alexander Seton, one of the castle owners. The story that has been passed on through the centuries is that Lilias failed to sire an heir for her husband, and as a consequence, he imprisoned her in ‘The Chartered Room’ to punish her, and she eventually starved to death. He, in turn, remarried swiftly, and on their first night when they were lying in bed, they heard blatant sounds of scratching in their room, and they could also hear heavy sighs coming from outside their window. When they woke up in the morning, they saw that ‘Lilias Drummond’ was scratched on the stone windowsill, which is visible even today. It has also been experienced by many who have lived in the castle that there is a particular rose scent in the air that suddenly appears. It is believed that If the room temperature falls and there is rose perfume in the air, it means that Lilias is around them, who used the rose scent regularly when she was alive. She is now known as ‘The Green Lady’ who haunts the castle, but she is not the only ghost who haunts the castle. Another castle ghost who has appeared frequently in many stories is the legend of the Weeping Stones of Fyvie. It is reputed that Thomas the Rhymer, a 13th-century gifted seer, was refused shelter in Fyvie Castle on a stormy night. He then settled a curse on the castle that no male heir would inherit the castle until three stones used in the formation of Preston Tower were returned to their original sacred burial site, which was between the Church lands and the castle. And strangely, there has never been a first-born son and heir since that cursed day. There is also a secret dungeon in the castle where one of the weeping stones lies. It is believed that whoever opens the dungeon door will die an untimely death, and his wife will go blind. There have been instances where this has been proved to be true, and therefore, this area of the castle is restricted for visitors. There have also been instances where sounds of trumpets being played can be heard throughout the castle. Guides and the staff living at the castle believe that it is the ghost of Andrew Lammie. It is said that Andrew, also known as Fyvie Castle ghost ‘Phantom Trumpeter’, died of a broken heart after finding out about the death of his beloved Agnes. In many instances, a figure of a man has been seen by visitors, only to fade when approached. Another remarkable, shocking tale was the one that made the most headlines in 1920, “Maid’s remarkable story. Skeleton built in the wall: What followed its removal”. The story relayed was that a week or two before, a wall in the castle was dismantled to investigate a damp patch. The Journal reported that cemented among the remains was found a complete skeleton. The maid, when interviewed, recalled that a little before five in the morning, she saw that a woman wearing white sailed through the wall near the head of her bed, looked at her, and then passed through the opposite door. It is believed that the skeleton belonged to Lady Meldrum, called Fyvie Castle Ghost, The Grey Lady, who died sometime in the 13th Century and asked to be buried in the walls of a secret room in the castle. The skeleton, when discovered, was then buried in the local cemetery but what followed was a series of strange occurrences and noises in the castle, observed by the staff residing there. Fyvie Castle is ranked among the most haunted castles in Britain and was also featured in an episode of the popular TV show Most Haunted where the ghost hunters Derek Acorah and Yvette Fielding visit Fyvie Castle and share their paranormal experiences. They recounted that the castle had some of the greatest paranormal activities they had ever encountered. Over the 800 years of Fyvie Castle’s existence, many reports and accounts of paranormal experiences prove that the castle is indeed haunted. The staff residing in the castle still experience bizarre incidents that cannot be explained otherwise. They have also said on many instances that they have now familiarized themselves with the scents of a few Fyvie Castle Ghosts. The entire thing is strange yet fascinating for visitors. If you liked reading about Fyvie Castle Ghost, do read about Gwrych Castle Ghost and Dover Castle Ghost!