14 Table of Contents Medieval Female Peasant Clothing:Medieval Male Peasant Clothing:Medieval Kids Peasant Clothing:Medieval Peasant Jewellery:Medieval Peasant Clothing Facts: Except for the kings, queens, and nobles, all people wore medieval peasant clothing made of coarse wool, linen, and hemp fabric during the medieval era. Although this clothing was unappealing and drab as it was not coloured or treated with the same care as privileged mediaeval people’s clothing, it was adequate to keep them warm. Continue reading to learn more! Medieval Female Peasant Clothing: Medieval Female Peasant Clothing by Canon PowerShot SX270 HS licensed under CC0 1.0 Medieval female peasant clothing included long gowns with sleeveless tunics and throughout the winters, they sported sheepskin cloaks, woolen hats, and mittens to keep them warm and dry. . They also used to wear leather boots that kept their feet dry. Although they didn’t usually launder their outerwear, they did wash their linen underwear on a regular basis. Medieval Male Peasant Clothing: Male Medieval Peasant clothing consisted of functional, simple clothes meant to keep their bodies clothed and warm. They used to wear tights or tunics with capuchins that stretched across their backs and over their shoulders, giving the impression of a cape. And in the winter, they donned sheepskin cloaks and woolen hats to stay warm. Apart from that leather boots with wooden patens were also part of their attire. Medieval Kids Peasant Clothing: Medieval Kids Peasant Clothing by Nikon D3200 licensed under CC0 1.0 Medieval kid’s clothing depended on the social class they belonged to and usually was the same monotonous long tunic that was used to keep them warm.. Medieval Peasant Jewellery: Medieval peasant jewellery used to be very lavish and was often used as security against loans. Though the stones they used to own were not very lustrous as gem cutting didn’t start until the 15th century. During the 12th century, ring brooches became very popular, and with time, most peasants moved to the service sector and were able to afford expensive stones By the 14th century, there were laws about who could wear what jewellery; based on that, peasants used to choose their jewellery. . Medieval Peasant Clothing Facts: The majority of medieval peasant clothing included knee-length tunics made up of wool, linen, or hemp fabrics. . Prior to the 10th century, medieval clothing for peasants was neither dyed nor styled in any way. Northern European peasant clothing included long trousers and breeches that were much warmer. This kind of clothing included no pockets, therefore peasants carried pouches or purses with them. The Black Death, when many peasants perished, resulted in an improvement in general peasant clothing. Also, if interested, check out – Unveiling the Life of the Medieval Peasant, A Glimpse of the Medieval Jewelry